Business losses to exceed $5 trillion in 2024
March 5, 2020
Gobbill UK: We’re located in the Royal Bank & NatWest
March 11, 2020Photo of Gabi, Gobbill user.
Setting goals and being in control of her finances has helped Gabi build wealth and achieve greater financial independence. We asked Gabi to sit down and answer a few simple questions in order to share her experiences and insights with others.
- Who has influenced you the most about money management?
Definitely Robert Kiyosaki through his book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”- he taught me the importance of assets and investments for passive income. Also, Tony Robbins – his personal development series taught me a lot about discipline and goal setting which I then applied to saving and investing.
- How would you describe your relationship with money?
I think a little controlling! My family didn’t have a lot of money growing up so the need to have savings has always been a high priority for me.
- How has your relationship with money changed over the years?
I have actually become more relaxed about it, and now enjoy spending it much more than I used to! I think it is important to save for the future, but also enjoy the fruits of your labour in the present. You need a good balance.
- What advice would you give others? i.e. women wanting to better at managing money…
Absolutely do a budget, and separate your money – the Barefoot Investor has a great ‘bucket’ method for this, where you separate money for essentials, luxuries, and savings into different accounts. It gives incredible peace of mind and no ‘savings shock’ at the end of the month (which is what I call it when you’ve spent more than you thought in a month and eaten into your savings). Also invest in some assets, no matter how small an amount you can manage – you can start with some simple managed funds and work up to shares or property from there. I also have a list of goals, with savings plans attached to them.
- What does financial wellness mean to you?
Being able to pay for whatever I need without worrying about it, but also knowing my limits and how going over these will impact my long-term financial goals.
- What are your financial goals?
Long term, to pay off our home and have a comfortable retirement. Medium term to travel and improve our house. Short term to go to my friend’s wedding in New York in 2020!
- How does using Gobbill help you manage your finances?
It’s a “set and forget” method similar to the savings buckets. I have Gobbill linked to the bank account I use for essentials, so I know that I always have enough money to pay my bills, and then Gobbill makes sure the payments are made on time. It’s pretty much an automatic system!
Find out more about how Gobbill can help you manage your bills and improve your financial well-being, contact Erica at [email protected] or call 0444 599 715.
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