
How Gobbill manages and protects its buckets of consumer data

June 14th, 2019 Posted by Case Studies, Gobbill News, Startup 0 thoughts on “How Gobbill manages and protects its buckets of consumer data”

Laneways by LaunchVic featured Gobbill’s data stewardship policy in a recent article.

Toeing the line of profit-making and protecting customer data is a difficult tightrope for any startup, but Gobbill has made it their mission to put people first, writes Ruth Thomas

Protecting our consumers’ and our own data within Gobbill is a very important to us. We’ve developed everything on-shore in Australia and we process and support our customers in Australia as well. As we look to expand into new territories, the same ethos will remain to up hold data sovereignty and to employ locally benefiting surrounding communities.

The article contains a number of tips for other startups.

Read more at Laneways.




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