
Posts tagged "medical"

Payroll tax affecting medical and health clinics.

June 12th, 2024 Posted by Uncategorized 0 thoughts on “Payroll tax affecting medical and health clinics.”

5 June 2024

Gobbill’s CEO Shendon Ewans hosted an event at NAB featuring Martin Goodrich of Goodrich Group as the key speaker about his experiences with payroll tax affecting medical and health practices.

Martin is a Chartered Accountant and has over 44 years’ experience in accounting and financial services. He acts as Chief Financial Officer and corporate advisor to many health and medical companies. He is currently the Chairman of Next Smiles Melbourne and partner in a new super dental clinic with his long-standing colleague, Dr Larry Benge.

Martin spoke about the issue from his perspective as a practice owner. This issue hits many business owners such as GP, dentists, physio, osteo, optometrists, pharmacists and other allied health and NDIS providers.

Then, it’s not just payroll tax but the flow on impacts of Superannuation, employer contributions, GST, PAYG, Workcover, leave entitlements and more..

When reviewing your practice, consider also the money and payment flows. who controls the funds.

Often there are more admin steps and hassles. Gobbill automates the timely collection of funds from your clients’ bank accounts. It will improve your cashflow and significantly reduce administration & reconciliation time. Gobbill helps eliminate the hassle of managing money, waiting for transfers and having to chase funds.

Contact us to learn more or to discuss this topic further. We’re interested in your experience and what you hope to do. Email: [email protected]

Thank you NAB’s Laila Genitsaris for supporting the event.

About Gobbill

At Gobbill, we help many medical and health practices automate invoice payments. We streamline the movement of money and interactions between customers and suppliers. We reduce data entry, reconciliation and communication effort.

Gobbill can save up to 70% of time on accounts administration for business owners which in many cases can equate to around $30K per annum in savings.

The company was founded in Melbourne 9 years ago, is a compliant and regulated processor of money movement under ASIC and the NDIS Commission.

#medical #health #practices #GP #dentists #physio #osteo #optometrists #pharmacists #alliedhealth #ndis #payrolltax

Plenty to smile about when you’re on top of your bills and cash flow.

January 12th, 2023 Posted by Business Management, Financial Management, Fraud Prevention, Time Management 0 thoughts on “Plenty to smile about when you’re on top of your bills and cash flow.”

Photo of Dr. Paul O’Keefe, Practice Owner of Premier Health Partners

Paul is a small business owner who has overseen the growth of his clinic from humble beginnings to what is now a fully multi-disciplinary medical clinic, combining osteopathy with general practice, physiotherapy, myotherapy, clinical psychology, dietetics and remedial/sports massage.

As his practice grew, Paul was spending more time and energy on managing his accounts payable. Instead of closing up for the day and spending time with his family, he would be sorting out admin. Paul heard about Gobbill from one of his patients. Since signing up and using it for a while, here’s what he has to say:

“Gobbill takes the stress out of bill payments for my business. Once the account is setup everything is totally automated. I just email bills to my Gobbill account and I know they’ll be digitised and paid on time and that Gobbill will check for any duplicate or fraudulent bills. Every few weeks I log in and sync bills to Xero, and that’s my whole accounts payable process done as simple as that.

Gobbill has saved me heaps of time and makes bill payment so easy. It’s a part of my business I don’t even think about anymore, you just set and forget it and know everything is being done right. I would recommend Gobbill to other business owners out there looking for a solution to their accounts payable process.”

By automating the accounts payable aspect of his business using Gobbill, Paul has been able to save time and effort on admin which he has estimated to be around $30,000 per annum. It helps him to manage his cashflow with maximum control and minimal effort.

Many business owners using Gobbill have saved up to 70% of their time spent and around $30,000 per annum on managing their accounts. These include medical health clinics, osteo/physio clinics, dental clinics and more.

Find out more about how Gobbill can help your business, contact Tonisha at [email protected] or visit gobbill.com