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Payroll tax affecting medical and health clinics.

June 12th, 2024 Posted by Uncategorized 0 thoughts on “Payroll tax affecting medical and health clinics.”

5 June 2024

Gobbill’s CEO Shendon Ewans hosted an event at NAB featuring Martin Goodrich of Goodrich Group as the key speaker about his experiences with payroll tax affecting medical and health practices.

Martin is a Chartered Accountant and has over 44 years’ experience in accounting and financial services. He acts as Chief Financial Officer and corporate advisor to many health and medical companies. He is currently the Chairman of Next Smiles Melbourne and partner in a new super dental clinic with his long-standing colleague, Dr Larry Benge.

Martin spoke about the issue from his perspective as a practice owner. This issue hits many business owners such as GP, dentists, physio, osteo, optometrists, pharmacists and other allied health and NDIS providers.

Then, it’s not just payroll tax but the flow on impacts of Superannuation, employer contributions, GST, PAYG, Workcover, leave entitlements and more..

When reviewing your practice, consider also the money and payment flows. who controls the funds.

Often there are more admin steps and hassles. Gobbill automates the timely collection of funds from your clients’ bank accounts. It will improve your cashflow and significantly reduce administration & reconciliation time. Gobbill helps eliminate the hassle of managing money, waiting for transfers and having to chase funds.

Contact us to learn more or to discuss this topic further. We’re interested in your experience and what you hope to do. Email: [email protected]

Thank you NAB’s Laila Genitsaris for supporting the event.

About Gobbill

At Gobbill, we help many medical and health practices automate invoice payments. We streamline the movement of money and interactions between customers and suppliers. We reduce data entry, reconciliation and communication effort.

Gobbill can save up to 70% of time on accounts administration for business owners which in many cases can equate to around $30K per annum in savings.

The company was founded in Melbourne 9 years ago, is a compliant and regulated processor of money movement under ASIC and the NDIS Commission.

#medical #health #practices #GP #dentists #physio #osteo #optometrists #pharmacists #alliedhealth #ndis #payrolltax

Chartered Accountants CA-ANZ presents Emerging Technology session with Gobbill

October 11th, 2021 Posted by Uncategorized 0 thoughts on “Chartered Accountants CA-ANZ presents Emerging Technology session with Gobbill”

Join Gobbill’s CEO Shendon Ewans as he presents Gobbill at CA Catalyst’s Emerging Technology pitch night series.

CA Catalyst sources leading edge technologies from their ecosystem of strategic fintech hub partners that could transform your business.  

You will hear from the entrepreneurs behind the emerging technology and get a first hand experience of a virtual Shark Tank-style pitch event. 

If you’re keen to find out what startups are new in the innovation ecosystem and ask them questions about their journey, then this is for you. So, sit back, relax and watch these fantastic founders put it all on the table. 

Live Webinar | Thursday, 14 October 

2:00pm – 3:00pm | Perth, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore
3:30 – 4:30pm | Darwin
4:30 – 5:30pm | Adelaide
4:00pm – 5:00pm | Brisbane
5:00pm – 6:00pm | Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, Hobart
7:00 – 8:00pm | New Zealand

Register here

Saving hundred$$$ in bills. Covid has changed things.

August 31st, 2021 Posted by Uncategorized 0 thoughts on “Saving hundred$$$ in bills. Covid has changed things.”

Want to save hundreds of dollars each year on everyday bills?

If you haven’t compared how much you are paying for bills such as electricity or insurance for a few years, it is time to start saving some money.

Gobbill’s CEO, Shendon Ewans says that Covid has changed many factors which means you could be saving more money on certain deals. He recently went on an independent energy comparison website and saved $680 per annum on his energy bill.

Compare and switch providers by using independent comparison websites.

Example for energy:

Victoria https://compare.energy.vic.gov.au/ In Vic, there is an additional $250 bonus for Pensioner Concession Card holders and some Health Care Card holders (including JobSeeker, Youth Allowance, Austudy and Abstudy recipients) – limited time.

Australia excluding VIC https://www.energymadeeasy.gov.au/

Start saving now.

You can use Gobbill to track and pay all your household bills. Sign up for FREE at https://gobbill.com

Tesla car buyer scammed $75K with another buyer losing $60K.

April 21st, 2021 Posted by Uncategorized 0 thoughts on “Tesla car buyer scammed $75K with another buyer losing $60K.”

Andrea Hammond wanted to buy a Tesla 3 electric vehicle for good reasons but hackers intercepted Tesla’s company invoices and changed the bank details. Andrea together with another Tesla customer have collectively lost more than $130,000 after receiving fraudulent Tesla invoices. It is not clear at what point in the chain the emails with payment details were hacked.

Both customers are calling for Tesla to offer more secure payment options and for banks to improve checks on transactions.

Gobbill CEO Shendon Ewans said “Payment redirection fraud has been growing exponentially with more victims like Andrea being hit by scammers.” Mr. Ewans and co-founder Quentin Marsh started Gobbill as secure bill payments for family and friends which has grown to become a scale-up company over 5 years. Gobbill which is an Australian FinTech / Cyber Security company which has invested millions in research and development to protect business owners and individuals from scams and fraud.

Find out more about how Gobbill can protect you from payment fraud. https://gobbill.com

Source and photo from ABC News. Read more about the Tesla scam at ABC News

Aussie businesses stung by fraud with average losses already 5 times higher in 2021 than last year.

March 30th, 2021 Posted by Uncategorized 0 thoughts on “Aussie businesses stung by fraud with average losses already 5 times higher in 2021 than last year.”

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) Scamwatch program, which Gobbill is a partner of, has reported $14m in payment redirection scams for last year. It’s no surprise to us at Gobbill as we have seen the rise of a broad range of scams and fraud impacting businesses and households since 2015.

What is surprising is the average loss in 2021 so far is 5 times higher than last year. That is astounding.
An example is $16,500 lost in one transaction for a business. Some have reported to be over $100,000.

Using Gobbill to automate invoice entry, fraud checking and secure payments, you can mitigate this risk and help to comply with your cyber insurance policy (if you have one).

Find out more https://gobbill.com

Source: ACCC 20 March 2021

Payment redirection scams cost Australian businesses $14 million
Australian businesses reported over $14 million in losses to Scamwatch due to payment redirection scams last year, and average losses so far in 2021 are more than five times higher compared to average losses in the same period last year.

Total losses are much higher as these scams are reported to a range of different organisations.

In a payment redirection scam, also known as business email compromise scams, scammers impersonate a business or its employees via email and request that money, which usually is owed to the legitimate business, is sent to a fraudulent account.

“Payment redirection scams impact businesses across many industries, including real estate, construction, law, recruitment, and universities,” ACCC Deputy Chair Delia Rickard said.

“Scammers tend to target new or junior employees, or even volunteers, as they are less likely to be familiar with their employer’s finance processes or the types of requests to expect from their supervisors.”

“We recommend organisations ensure their staff are well trained in the company’s payment processes and remain aware of payment redirection scams,” Ms Rickard said.

Payment redirection scams can take several different forms. In some instances, scammers hack into a legitimate email account and pose as the business, by intercepting legitimate invoices and amending the bank details before releasing emails to the intended recipients.

In one instance, a victim lost $16,500 in a single transaction after a scammer used a staff member’s email address to send an invoice to a customer with ‘updated bank details’, redirecting the payment to the scammer’s personal bank account.

Other times, payment redirection is done by spoofing, when scammers impersonate CEOs or other senior managers using a registered email address that is very similar to that of the genuine email address. The scammer will then request that staff transfer funds to them or make a payment to a third party on behalf of the business.

Scamwatch has also received reports of scammers posing as staff members, where they request the employee’s salary be paid into the scammer’s bank account.

“An increasing number of reports are coming from sports and community clubs which reported more than $55,000 in losses to payment redirection scams last year. It is likely we will see similar figures this year, with $18,000 already reported lost so far in 2021,” Ms Rickard said.

Scammers posed as the president or treasurer and requested staff to action payments for ‘equipment’ or other business needs, but the money went straight into the scammer’s bank account.

Other businesses or individuals have also inadvertently paid a scammer as a result of a payment redirection scam.

“It can be difficult to recover money lost to a payment redirection scam, so prevention is really important,” Ms Rickard said.

“Don’t deviate from your organisation’s payment procedure, even if the request you have received appears to come from your CEO or a senior manager.”

“If you have received a request that creates a sense of urgency, don’t rush. Take the time to consider and check whether an email is real, including by looking carefully at the sender’s email address, before acting on instructions,” Ms Rickard said.

“Whenever there is a request to change payment details, always check with the organisation using stored contact details, rather than those in the requesting communication. ”

If you have been the victim of a scam, contact your bank as soon as possible and contact the platform on which you were scammed to inform them of the circumstances.

To report a cyber crime visit the business reporting page at cyber.gov.au.

Gobbill named as top 5 payments player disrupting the industry.

February 9th, 2021 Posted by Uncategorized 0 thoughts on “Gobbill named as top 5 payments player disrupting the industry.”

The pandemic has significantly changed our lives in different ways. Many small businesses and households have endured severe hardships and there is possibly more to come.

Melbourne’s Stage 4 lockdown was particularly difficult for the Gobbill team however, the business has ended the year of Covid in a strong position.

Our performance in the last six months has now exceeded pre-Covid payment processing levels and seen a systematic increase in our monthly recurring revenue by 2,300% in the last 12 months.

Since our inception in 2015, we have now connected and verified over 1,000 Australian billers and data sources.

We also acknowledge our partnership with Chinese payment provider AirPay FinTech (awarded ‘best partnership’ finalist in the Australia FinTech awards) and digital currency payments with Cointree.

The team at Gobbill is humbled to be named in the top 5 payment players disrupting the industry in Australia by IBS Intelligence along with Novatti.

Fake invoices caused $8.7m hit and collapse of Sydney hedge fund.

November 23rd, 2020 Posted by Uncategorized 0 thoughts on “Fake invoices caused $8.7m hit and collapse of Sydney hedge fund.”

A Sydney hedge fund has collapsed after a cyber attack triggered by a fake Zoom invitation saw its trustee and administrator mistakenly approve $8.7 million in fraudulent invoices.

NSW police are investigating the matter as digital crime experts report a spike in attacks on hedge funds and private equity firms this year, as informal checks were weakened due to staff working at home as a result of the pandemic.

The Australian Financial Review has been told of another fund which lost $25 million in client money from a similar cyber attack, while the trustee for another firm blocked a $1.8 million transfer after the fake invoice was spotted.

Read more at The Australian Financial Review

Gobbill flying at 2,025% growth rate under Covid, is debt free and on track to be profitable. Pitches at EIE20 UK for 2021 plan.

October 15th, 2020 Posted by Uncategorized 0 thoughts on “Gobbill flying at 2,025% growth rate under Covid, is debt free and on track to be profitable. Pitches at EIE20 UK for 2021 plan.”

Source: The Herald Scotland 15 Oct 2020, Victoria Masterson

Picture: Michael Pollitt (left – UK Business Development Manager ) and Shendon Ewans (right – Chief Executive ) at Royal Bank of Scotland head office Gogarburn. Photo by Stewart Attwood

AN AUSTRALIAN fintech company hopes to raise £2 million to fund a UK roll-out after pitching to more than 200 investors in Scotland.

Melbourne-based Gobbill was one of 50 companies pitching yesterday for amounts of between £250,000 and £5 million at the virtual technology investor showcase, Engage Invest Exploit 2020.

Almost 1,000 attendees were registered for the event, around a quarter of them investors from Scotland, the rest of the UK, Europe, North America and Asia-Pacific.

Mr Ewans said Gobbill had increased its monthly recurring revenue in Australia by more than 2,000% in the nine months since January 2020 and was looking to launch in the UK because it had the world’s second highest incidence of fraud and scams after America.

“Payment fraud and scams have grown seven fold in the UK over the last three years,” he said. “But since COVID hit, in the month of March alone it grew something like 400%.”

In March this year, Gobbill was accepted into the NatWest and Royal Bank FinTech Accelerator, which operates from locations across the UK. The company chose to be based out of the network’s Accelerator Hub in St Andrew Square, Edinburgh, but has yet to move in because of the Covid-19 lockdown.

Read more The Herald Scotland

Closed on the following days

October 9th, 2020 Posted by Uncategorized 0 thoughts on “Closed on the following days”

Gobbill is closed on the following Public Holidays

Can you spot a scam?

August 17th, 2020 Posted by Internet Safety, Payments, Staysmartonline, Uncategorized 0 thoughts on “Can you spot a scam?”

Welcome to the National Scams Awareness Week 2020! 

(Australia and New Zealand)

Gobbill has been a strong supporter in protecting people from against fraud and scams since 2015. We are proud to be a campaign partner for this year’s National Scams Awareness Week. 

Throughout this week, we will be raising awareness of scams and frauds. We will focus on Phishing and Email Compromise. These are two areas of scams that Gobbill has extensive experience in confronting.  

To kick off the week, we have posted a quiz titled Can you spot a scam?’ on our Instagram page.

If you are here to read the explanations, please keep reading.

If you have not done the quiz, hop off this page and come back to this page for the explanations. 

  1. Optus – This is a real email bill from Optus. Optus does send from cloudmails.net and they do personalised the email to the account holder.   
  2. ANZ –This is a Scam. The sender anzhost.org is fake and the email is not personalised. 
  3. DocuSign – This is a Scam. An email from DocuSign will have the sender’s email and details above the general text. Tricky one!   
  4. Xero – This is a real email and invoice. The email is from the correct sender and the email is correctly personalised to the recipient.  As a scammer, this would be one of the easiest to use; to change the link or attachment and have something quite malicious for the victim.

How did you go? Scam emails or texts can look extremely authentic and convincing through replicating legitimate messages from trusted senders. 

These scams often feature official looking logos and emails and a ‘call to action’ to open a malicious link or share personal information. That’s why Gobbill has developed automated checks of domains, links and much more over the last 5 years. Gobbill fetches and/or opens attachments safely so you don’t have to.  

We do this for all Australian billers including telcos, councils, utilities and many more. 

We process payments to over 40,000 billers with over 1m+ Australians already having access to Gobbill’s payment platform.

For more information, contact us at: https://gobbill.com/contact/